
Monday, August 20, 2012

Motivation for Monday Fitness: Lack of Will Power

A major obstacle to successful weight loss is a lack of will power and temptation.  Everyone who is serious about getting healthier will run into road blocks at some point.  Today, Bob & Caroline Scott of the Louisville Athletic Club shared some tips for staying on the right track.

Philippians 4:13 - "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength."

"My first suggestion would be to write this verse down and post it on your refrigerator and your pantry door.  Read it every time you are tempted to open that door and reach for something unhealthy that is going to sabotage your efforts.  Trying to lose weight can be very overwhelming.  So think, "One day at a time."  Even the Bible says in Matthew 6:34, "So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries.  Today's trouble is enough for today."  Stop thinking, "I have to lose twenty, forty, or sixty pounds" and start thinking: "Today, I need to eat healthy.  Today, I need to exercise.  Today, I need to set my sights on losing that first pound." - Caroline Scott

"Also, as you take one day at a time, keep in mind that you are not alone.  Others just like you have been down this road before and emerged with a healthier body and lifestyle.  Most importantly, however, you are not alone because you have Jesus who loves you just the way you are today and will be right beside you on the journey to weight loss.  If you are struggling with will power and temptation right now regarding a weight loss journey, pray for the strength to break your unhealthy habits.  Lay the burden at the feet of Jesus.  In your prayers ask for patience and endurance, and keep your eyes fixed on Him.  He wants you to succeed more than you can ever imagine."  - Bob Scott

For more health and fitness tips, check out Caroline's Blog:

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