
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Why we do what we do: Highlights from this Morning's Show

Purpose in Life:
"A question every speaker should ask themselves is... 'What difference is it making in people's everyday lives'?"
The guys from Sidewalk Prophets have been tweeting over the past couple of weeks about their upcoming album "Live like that" and how it's coming together.  Last week they were asking fans to submit stories about people in their lives who make them say, "I want to live like that!"  I love the concept behind the album, because it's something that I think about often.  I feel compelled to find my purpose in life and in each moment.  As a Christian I believe that everyone's purpose is to love God and love the people around us.  Regardless of your financial status or social platform we are all leaving an impression of some sort on everyone we meet.  We can and should make a positive difference in the now and leave a legacy of love for those to come.  The people who have made a lasting impression in my life or even cultural figures like Mother Teresa all have a factor in their lives that is in my opinion the source of the impact, and that's Love.

Be Encouraged:
Matthew 7: 8-10 says, "For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.  Which of you, if your son asks for bread will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake?"
Yesterday, I was talking to a friend who was feeling a bit discouraged about some unanswered prayers.  I've been there; I'm sure you have too.  It's frustrating when you have been praying for the same thing for what seems like forever.  If you are going through a similar season, keep in mind that God has done tremendous things for you in the past.  Look at your blessings and remember that He will do good things for you again.  God doesn't have some random answer for your prayers; He has a special custom-made blessing waiting just for you.

Artist News:   Tenth Avenue North
Mike Donehey of Tenth Avenue North tweeted a link to this Youtube Video their band made discussing the paradox between being a Christian band whose focus is to take the attention off themselves and putting it on God while being on a very public platform in the entertainment industry. It's quite interesting and very well done. I hope you enjoy it.

We all could use more motivation from time to time.  Whether is for a project at work, a goal or simply to get going in the mornings.  There's a key to unlocking your motivation that may surprise you.  Did you know that what you believe about yourself and your abilities, not on not how talented you are affects your overall initiative in life and that people who believe that they can accomplish what they set out to do perform better than those who don’t.

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